Unlock Emotional Relief: Journaling with ChatGPT for Better Cofounder Communication

Dr. Matthew Jones
8 min readApr 8, 2023
Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

Founders experience difficult moments.

Many of the cofounders I work with experience an emotional rollercoaster while building and scaling a successful company. And as many of you know, that rollercoaster is intense.

Several clients have asked me for recommendations on how to handle the moments of difficulty in a healthy, productive manner because they have noticed adverse effects from not managing their emotions well.

In this article, I will save you time and mindshare by giving you one such tool: Journaling with ChatGPT.

Common Misunderstanding

When most of us think of journaling, we think of something like this:

  • Taking out a leather-bound notebook and G-pen
  • Writing the date
  • Starting with something like “Hi journal” or “Today, I…”

Let me be clear, this is NOT the type of journaling I’m suggesting.

While keeping a record of your life can be insightful, the journaling I recommend is more about emotional expression than anything else.

It does not have to be time-consuming. It doesn’t need to be a daily activity if that doesn’t accelerate…

