Why All Productivity Articles Are Bullsh*t (And Why Your Unresolved Emotional Wounds Are To Blame For Your Poor Performance)

Dr. Matthew Jones
6 min readJul 3, 2020
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

All productivity articles are bullsh*t.

The books too. And the videos. All of it.

Despite their near constant presence in American culture, most content related to productivity is unhelpful.

Short-term, you may implement several tips and tricks that contribute to feeling more productive, but as time passes the unfortunate reality sets in: You’re no more efficient than in the past. And if you are, was it really due to that Inc. article you read last week?

Or was it the Forbes article you read at your desk that did the trick?

What about the self-help book resting on your shelf? Was that inspirational paperweight the trick you needed to make this life-altering change?


If you’re more efficient now than in the past, chances are that your increased productivity is related to other factors, like learning and refining your routine, discovering how you work and building a workflow around your strengths, or other life choices that resulted in decreased agitation and anxiety.

